The Modesty Survey

Sunday, January 21, 2007


You know, I didn't really fully understand all the hype that was given by the crew at Way of the Master Radio about the conference they called "Transformed" that they held in Atlanta, Ga.

Until Todd came to Jefferson City, Mo., on Saturday to do a "mini" Transformed--without Kirk and Ray! Oh, to have those two there would have only made you more jealous that you weren't able to attend!!!

Todd was superb! I had never understood Hermeutics before until he explained it so well that day! Now I can actually sound like I know what I'm talking about instead of shooting from the hip so much (which I often do in Internet debates).It also confirmed that I am usually on the right track when I do argue with people. Of course, that's only because the Lord has very graciously promised to give understand to those who ask Him (James 1:5).

Four hours of the best instruction I have ever heard. We can do it! We must do it! And God has equipped us to do it!! So let's do it!!! Miami, here I come!!! (In two weeks.)

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